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The brain is a muscle we seldom work on in order to keep fit. It requires the same amount of time and effort (if not more) than we normally use to get our physical bodies in shape. A big part of gaining awareness is sharpening your focus, which requires a variety of mindfulness activities such as meditation. Meditation is a key practice that helps make us conscious of our unconscious habits. It brings you back to the present moment, free from the worries of the past and the unknown that lies ahead. It is the ideal state for awareness to be gained. Ultimately it comes down to digging deeper to understand the person you are or the person you are becoming...which can only be done by you.



Let’s Grow!
|L.earn|I.nnovate|V.alue|E.njoy|; Don’t just be Alive
#KeepGrowing #ContinualGrowth


When given perspective...Fear should be an indication that you are indeed doing what's right in order to progress and move forward in the right direction.

One of the more difficult things to do is to not only embrace fear and the change that comes with it. Instead of learning to look for and use fear to figure out exactly what you need to do to overcome it and advance your life is worth the pain.

Tip: Use Fear as a reason to move forward rather than an excuse to stop and let it take control.

Let’s Grow!
|L.earn|I.nnovate|V.alue|E.njoy|; Don’t just be Alive
#KeepGrowing #ContinualGrowth

First and foremost it is important to understand that fear is NOT REAL!
Fear is simply just a combination of your uncertain and doubtful thoughts.

So if it's not real then what the hell are most people actually afraid of ???
In most cases it is the outcome, the influence fear has on the decisions we have to make is all out of our control once we give fear space to operate.

Don't let it control your life...

What does time have to do with it??
When we put things off and allow time to accumulate, what we're doing is allowing for our fears to grow deeper and deeper. Often times as previously mentioned we worry about the outcome (usually with a negative view) of facing our fears.
This doesn't have to be true if we can just deprive our fears by not feeding them and allowing them time to grow.

Tip: Whenever you sense that fear is on its way, take MASSIVE action quickly and repeatedly. Show yourself and whatever life throws at you that you are indeed Fearless.

Let’s Grow!
|L.earn|I.nnovate|V.alue|E.njoy|; Don’t just be Alive
#KeepGrowing #ContinualGrowth

If you can let the way you view things help you rather than hurt you, you're already gaining a better perspective of life. 

Control plays a significant part when it comes to how our emotions are affected. We face things on a regular basis that can easily prompt negative reactions, however, it is your attitude that will determine your overall outlook on the situation(s) at hand. 

Remember that time when every single Monday felt like the start of a treacherous week ahead. With a different view, that same day can mark the beginning of a productive week where you will get the most amount of work you've ever gotten done. 

In our last podcast, perspective is the topic of discussion and one of the key takeaways is that our point of view on anything can be altered once we open up for an opportunity to change. 


“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.” - Nishan Panwar


Let’s Grow!
|L.earn|I.nnovate|V.alue|E.njoy|; Don’t just be Alive
#KeepGrowing #ContinualGrowth